Directed by Elizabeth Swain, the three supporting performers are adept and entertaining, while Liebman emanates naturalness and an appealing warmth that invests you in his story. via LAWeekly
…it is Liebman’s subtle, grounded work that makes the… lasting impression via StageSceneLA
Liebman, … sets his Ben up for tensions, affection and fear for his partner’s mental and physical health. via EDGEMediaNetwork
Liebman‘s Ben, the perfect yin to Jack’s yang. The calm to his hysteria. The optimism to Jack’s pragmatism. Liebman’s Ben would be the perfect partner for anyone, gay or straight. Ben’s loving, caring, understanding, and empathizing. via BroadwayWorld
Director Elizabeth Swain is fortunate to have an extraordinary cast that is both convincing and affecting. via WillCall
Liebman, as Ben, and Michael Rubenstone, as Jack, exude charm and credibility as the two protagonists, backed by an adept supporting cast (Elyse Mirto, Dale Raoul and Joel Swetow) via Frontiers Media