2 very kind reviews that had great things to say about our performance as a whole, but a snippet or 2 about me in particular. Flatterers …
“The play succeeds on all fronts. The acting is genuinely hilarious and subtle with wonderful performances from all cast members. Special acknowledgment goes to James Liebman as Sven, the Finnish know-it-all, for his ability to deliver unexpected interpretations to all of his interactions.”-by Markus Paminger theasy.com on 6.9.10 “James Liebman’s Sven is the yin to Stattin’s yang, encompassing all that can happen to a person when nothing goes right. Sven, someone who “is never wrong, even when he is” is pompous and arrogant at first meeting, but his house of cards soon dissolves when he finds it harder and harder to keep up with Ricard’s good fortune – especially since they are equal business partners. A tennis match between Sven and Richard is the perfect metaphor for their relationship; what is pure sport and just fun for Richard is steely competition for Sven. Sven wins, of course, but only when Richard plays the game with his non-dominant hand. Liebman doesn’t over stretch Sven’s faults in order to expose them, he simple coats every action with a thin veneer of self-righteousness that at once makes Sven laughable and pitiable, especially as the years draw on.”-by Karen Tortora-Lee thehappiestmedium.com on 6.8.10